Saturday, September 5, 2009

In the beginning...

...There was the void. It was empty and lifeless, then God, having infinite wisdom, created the Internet. But God's other creation, Man, was without a modem and could not connect a computer to this glorious connector of minds. So God sent him a wireless modem, but Man had to wait a long ass time for it. Meanwhile Man kept having to use the WiFi at coffee shops (which were other creations that popped up, seemingly, out of nowhere) in order to do even menial tasks like check email and stuff. So anyway, God finally got around to bestowing the gift of the Internet upon Man. Man was pleased. And so it was that Man got his Internet back, kind of like Stella but not in Jamaica and Taye Diggs wasn't there. Our story however, concerns a specific man, whom they call Peter. He has recently left his home of three years on the lovely Island of Bainbridge in order to pursue a most peculiar means of artistic expression known as "animation" in the neighbouring land of the Canadians to the north. Let us begin there...

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